Benefits of Sports Massage
Horses have ways of telling us if they are in discomfort. Some of the common signs of back pain in horses include:
Resistances: bucking, rearing, napping or bolting
Unlevelness, particularly behind
Reduced quality of paces, inability to extend / collect the stride,
Loss of impulsion, difficulty in engaging the hindquarter or an inability to track up
Deterioration in performance
Uneven muscle development or loss of muscle tone
Temperamental changes, such as loss of interest in work, lethargy, or grumpiness
Change in behaviour when being groomed, saddled or mounted
Inability to stand square
Tight, sore painful areas around the back, neck and quarters
Refusal to jump, running out, ‘cat leaping’, rushing jumps or bucking on landing
Hollowing of the back and inability or refusal to work on the bit
Asymmetry: Disunited in canter, difficulty getting correct canter lead, stiffness on one rein, reluctance to bend, tilting the head
Falling out through the shoulders or quarters when ridden or lunged
Inability to carry out lateral work correctly
Uneven shoe wear caused by toe dragging, unlevel loading or scuffing
Lameness after a fall or accident, where alternative causes have been eliminated by vet
Shifting of weight when standing
These issues can be caused by a one-off event (acute injury) or something which has built up over a period of time.
Acute injuries may be caused by:
Trips, falls or slips
Getting cast in the stable
Fighting with other horses
Chronic injuries may be due to:
Conformational faults, such as a long, weak back
Ill-fitting tack
Dental problems
Poor shoeing, or problems with the feet
Excess weight, or an unbalanced rider
Sports massage can help to:
Reduce pain
Increase muscle function
Increase range of motion
Increase circulation
Improve behaviour
Enhance performance